Find out the effectiveness of lactic acid bacteria

Find out the effectiveness of lactic acid bacteria

● What is lactic acid bacteria?

Lactobacillus is named lactobacillus because it secretes "lactic acid" that kills other bacteria in the intestine. But if you keep leaving it alone, it shows the characteristics of dying in the legacy they created. Lactobacillus is a bacteria that helps with various physical health, and it is said that it improves immunity by killing germs that can be harmful to the intestines.


● How did you get lactobacillus?

A few years after I started working, I had a lot of company dinners due to the nature of my work. And of all days, my close senior at the company was a person who really liked alcohol, so I soaked his intestines with alcohol. As a result, I naturally gained weight, and in addition, I suffered from a terrible rhinitis due to the continued decline in immunity from several years ago.

We think aging is going to progress slowly, but surprisingly, aging comes quickly. In particular, if you don't take good care of your body and let your guard down even a little, you will soon feel that your body is not the same as before. When I was looking back on myself who was healthy in the past, my colleague who took more than five kinds of nutritional supplements a day gave me a bottle of lactobacillus as a gift.

I like raw yogurt or yogurt, so the powdered probiotics were sweet and felt like snacks without any resistance, and I ate them every day. However, my body has improved dramatically and I have become a lactobacillus evangelist who studies the efficacy of lactobacillus and presents lactobacillus to people around me.

● What are the benefits of lactic acid bacteria?

1. Enhancing immunity
In our intestines, 6 to 70 percent of our body's immune cells live in our small intestine. Only when the intestines are healthy can we protect our entire body's immune system. There are harmful bacteria and beneficial bacteria living in the intestines, each of which regulates metabolism, energy absorption and utilization, pathogen intrusion prevention, and immune cells. Here, lactic acid bacteria protect the health of the small intestine by killing and preventing proliferation of harmful bacteria in the intestine.


2. Atopy and allergy
First of all, one of the most severe diseases I had was allergic rhinitis. My rhinitis was so bad that I couldn't sleep well and my eyes were always bloodshot. No matter how much you avoid substances that cause allergies, you couldn't avoid them and caused allergies.

However, the allergy naturally disappeared as lactic acid bacteria restored small and large intestine functions and increased immunity. Of course, I drank a little less and exercised steadily. As immunity increases, you don't overreact much even if you come into contact with allergy-causing substances. I didn't have atopic dermatitis, but I heard that atopic dermatitis, an immune disease, can be improved enough if the intestinal immunity is restored.

3. Dieting
Harmful bacteria in the intestine interfere with obesity and metabolism, which is also related to obesity. According to the survey of obese patients, there are more harmful bacteria than beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Rebalancing beneficial bacteria and harmful bacteria can normalize the metabolism again, so-called a body that does not easily gain weight. However, it is better not to believe that you lose weight by eating a diet. Lactobacillus only helps diet, and the key is to eat a little, move a lot, and exercise to lose weight.

4. Resolving Depression and Autism
Studies have shown that lactic acid bacteria are also involved in neurological substances in the brain in the intestine, which is also effective in depression. According to the results published in the International Journal of Psychiatry, intestinal bacteria directly affect the neural network connecting the brain to the large intestine. When pathogens invade the intestine and cracks occur in the membrane of the strong large intestine, and intestinal leakage occurs, toxic substances in the large intestine penetrate into the blood, causing inflammation of the large intestine.

In patients with depression or bipolar disorder, the concentration of inflammatory substances has been confirmed to be quite high. And as the brain control substance produced by intestinal beneficial bacteria decreases GABA and BNDF, serotonin, which makes people feel happy, is not delivered to the brain, resulting in depression. Lactobacillus maintains intestinal health and prevents harmful bacteria, which also relieves depression and bipolar disorder. Until now, I have known that the gut is an organ that eats and digests food, and while studying the efficacy of lactic acid bacteria, I was surprised that the gut greatly affects the mental part.

5. Constipation Prevention
This is still a controversial issue. In the past, I thought lactic acid bacteria were effective in improving constipation, but it is not true. There are growing reports from academia that lactic acid bacteria are not particularly helpful in improving constipation. Of course, eating a lot of vegetables and drinking a lot of water creates an environment where lactobacillus can reproduce a lot in the intestine. And it is also true that bowel movements must be active to digest well and do bowel movements smoothly. However, there is no direct impact, so I think it would be better to eat lactobacillus steadily to maintain intestinal health rather than eating lactobacillus to solve constipation.

● How can lactic acid bacteria survive to the intestines?

In order for these lactic acid bacteria to really affect the body, they have to live to the small and large intestine. Most are said to die from stomach acid. So when I was a kid, I used to sell a lot of Dr. Capsule yogurt, but these days, it's not easy to see it in the mart. (I used to break the capsule at that time) They say that it's good to have live lactobacillus eat probiotics and prebiotics together.

● Recommended daily intake of lactic acid bacteria

The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in Korea recommends eating 100 million to 10 billion per day for adults. It's a huge number, but there are 20 billion of them in a basic bottle of Yakult that we often see in our daily lives. Yoplait also has 50 billion lactobacillus per cup. It's better to eat when you eat or after you eat rather than before meals.

This is because stomach acid is secreted from the stomach, so if you just eat lactobacillus, you are likely to die from stomach acid. It is usually good to eat with fruits or vegetable grains as a food to eat together. This is because the above foods help the growth of lactic acid bacteria. On the other hand, instant, coffee, and carbonic acid interfere with the action of lactic acid bacteria. For those who read this article, I hope you keep your intestinal health strong with lactobacillus, and I hope you stay healthy with proper exercise and dietary control.


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