Find out the efficacy and storage methods of colabies

Find out the efficacy and storage methods of colabies

Today, I'm going to post about the effects of colabi. Have you heard a lot about Cola Bee? Originally, it was almost hard to see Colabi in Korea, but it became popular little by little from one day when the efficacy of Colabi became known, and these days, it is not difficult to see Colabi in marts or markets.

In fact, it is difficult to know what this is just by looking at the appearance of colabi, but if you search in advance for what colabi is, it is a cabbage variant as a cabbage and vegetable native to Europe. The size is about 8-10cm, and it is unique in that there is a large swollen stem just above the surface. It is suitable for use as a food when the diameter is 5 to 6 cm.

At this time, the swollen area is slightly flat in the spherical shape, but it grows longer. It is commonly eaten as an edible vegetable in some areas, and is also grown in Europe for livestock feed. That's what it says about Colabi. Colabi is actually a variety of cabbage. Its origin is Europe and it is also called turnip cabbage or calyx cabbage.

It seems that it has not been long since Colabi was seen in Korea before the efficacy of Colabi was known, but in fact, it is said that test cultivation was conducted in the early 19th century. These days, I usually eat colabi with salad, ssam vegetables, and rust, but in Europe, it is also used as food, but it is surprising and slightly strange that it is used as livestock feed.

Well, I don't think it's a big problem that the crops that people commonly eat in Korea are also used as livestock feed, so the fact that colabi is also used as livestock feed in Europe is not a big problem. In fact, I think the reason why we are interested in Colabi is not because of other parts, but because of the various effects that Colabi has.

Prior to the effectiveness of Colabi, if we talk for a while about the nutrients of Colabi, the nutritional value of Colabi contains 91% moisture, 0.9%, sugar 6.1%, and protein 1.6%. 100g of fresh living body contains 40mg of calcium, 0.5mg of iron, and 60mg of vitamin C.

Vitamin C content is four to five times higher than leafy vegetables such as lettuce and chicory. Among the many nutrients that are the source of the effectiveness of colabi, especially vitamin C is contained in colabi. Nutrients such as calcium and iron, as well as vitamin C, are very important nutrients in our body that are commonly seen in the labeling of nutrients.

However, if you eat colabi, it is not an artificial nutrient, but a natural nutrient of vegetables, so the effect of colabi is more meaningful. Also, Cola Bee has really low calories of 27 calories per 100 grams, so it must be a very good food for dieting. Now, let's talk about the efficacy of colabies. There are four main effects of collabies.


the effects of colabies

Colabi lowers the amount of sodium in the body and prevents various vascular diseases including high blood pressure.

Colabi contains anticancer ingredients, which is effective in liver cancer, breast cancer, and bladder cancer. Antocyanin, a purple component of colabee, always has the effect of removing burning and active oxygen.

Colabi is a representative alkaline sieve and helps relieve fatigue. In particular, it is considered good food for the elderly because it is rich in calcium and good food for women in their 50s during menopause.

Collabee is high in vitamin C, which helps diet and is also effective in preventing aging. The vitamin C content is 10 times higher than apples, 5 times higher than lettuce or chicory, and 4 times higher than radish, and it is rich in minerals, so it relieves cell aging if you take it steadily.

I wrote down four representative effects of colabi, and it must be a pretty good food even if you write it down simply, right? Colabi is not very expensive, and it tastes good and has excellent efficacy, so it is recommended to anyone. As I said above, it is especially good for menopause for women in their 50s, so I think it would be good to recommend it to yourself or people around you. Let's wrap up the posting about the effects of colabies here

Lastly, let's talk about how to choose a good colabee and end the posting. Colabies are recommended to have a fluffy mouth and a dark green color. Also, the size of the stem is about the size of a tennis ball. Colabi storage method can be stored for a long time by separating leaves and wrapping the stem in a wet kitchen towel or sealing it in a plastic pack and storing it in the refrigerator. I hope you check the effectiveness of colabi and have a healthy daily life.


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