Learn about the 10 effects and side effects of spinach

Learn about the 10 effects and side effects of spinach

Spinach is a green-yellow vegetable containing a large amount of nutrients such as vitamins, iron, and dietary fiber, and is a beneficial food ingredient for both men and women, women, pregnant women, and the elderly. Spinach, which tastes good and is effective for health, is classified into Eastern and Western species in spinach. Oriental species are called winter spinach because they are grown in autumn and winter because they are resistant to cold, and Western species are called summer spinach because they are grown in spring and summer. Winter spinach has sharp leaves, but summer spinach has thick, round leaves.

In the West, young spinach leaves are mainly used for salads, and in Korea, they are used for vegetables, gukgeori, or seasoned vegetables. Folic acid in spinach reduces the risk of dementia by improving brain function and reduces the risk of birth of deformed babies by being involved in cell and DNA division, which is also said to be an essential food for pregnant women. Today, we will learn about the efficacy of spinach, a complete nutritional food that goes into the three major nutrients and contains a large amount of moisture, vitamins, and minerals.

the effect of spinach

1. Vision protection
Spinach has the effect of protecting vision. Spinach contains a lot of vitamin A. Vitamin A (RE) is 479RE and vitamin A (beta carotene) is 2,876μg. Vitamin A is a nutrient that is directly related to eye health. It is said that vitamins are more effective as food than medicine.

2. Cardiovascular disease prevention
Spinach is effective in preventing cardiovascular disease. Spinach 100g contains 60mg of vitamin C. Vitamin A, which is mainly distributed in the leaves of spinach, is better for the body from open fields. Eating foods rich in vitamin 12 such as oysters, clams, eggs, and milk along with spinach is said to be effective for arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

3. Prevention of brain aging
Spinach has the effect of slowing down the aging of the brain. The antioxidant vitamin folic acid contained in spinach is effective in inhibiting the accumulation of active oxygen, helping to prevent brain nerve cells from degenerating and brain aging. In addition, it is effective in reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer's by suppressing the rise of homocysteine, which is known to be related to memory loss, heart disease, and stroke.

4. Anti-cancer effect
Spinach has anti-cancer effects. Spinach is also an anticancer plant rich in chlorophyll and carotene. Eating spinach is effective in preventing pancreatic cancer and . The reason is because of the flavonol content in spinach. The flavonol component is known to be effective in anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and cancer prevention. In particular, spinach has been proven to lower the incidence of lung cancer, which occurs frequently in smokers.

5. Prevention of birth defects
Spinach prevents birth of deformed babies. Lack of folic acid in pregnant women increases the risk of giving birth to deformed babies. Folic acid is also a very important nutrient for neural tube growth in the early stages of the fetus. Spinach 100g contains 145.8μg of folic acid. This is equivalent to 29.16% of the recommended daily intake of folic acid (0.5 mg) of pregnant women. It is said that eating this amount helps prevent deformed babies.

6. Dieting
Spinach is also effective in dieting. Spinach extract suppresses appetite by 95% and is effective in weight loss. The reason is because of the thylakoid content in spinach. Tilacoid is a structure contained in cyano bacteria in plant chloroplasts that transmits signals to the brain to prevent overeating and affect intestinal hormones, which slow digestion.

7. Constipation Prevention
Spinach is effective in preventing constipation. It is effective to eat fiber-rich vegetables to prevent constipation. Among them, juice mixed with spinach and carrots has a lot of dietary fiber, so regular consumption prevents constipation and is effective for people with constipation.

8. Improving cholesterol
Spinach has the effect of suppressing cholesterol generation. In 1969, Japanese scientists found that spinach lowered blood cholesterol in animal tests. Spinach promotes the conversion of cholesterol into coprostanol and easily releases it out of the body, so it naturally reduces cholesterol.

9. Gout prevention
Spinach is effective in treating rheumatism or gout. Spinach separates and excrete toxic uric acid to the human body, so it is effective in treating rheumatism or gout. Spinach is good for preventing anemia because it is rich in iron, which is an ingredient of hemoglobin, and vitamin C that helps absorb iron. And spinach contains a lot of vitamins A and C, so it is good for preventing colds, rough skin, and bronchitis. There are many other nutrients such as vitamin B1, B2 and calcium in spinach, so it is a healthy food.

10. Prevention of anemia
Spinach is effective in preventing anemia. Spinach has not only folic acid and iron that prevent malignant anemia, but also calcium that strengthens bones, which is very effective in promoting children's growth and preventing anemia. And spinach is rich in iron, which is a necessary substance for the formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells, and is also involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters and collagen. Therefore, eating spinach often prevents iron deficiency anemia.

Side Effects of Spinach

It is called Susan, which is a bitter component of spinach. Hydrochloric acid combines with calcium and iron in the body to reduce the absorption rate of both minerals in the body. People who are taking calcium and iron supplements should avoid excessive consumption of spinach. Also, there was a time when I was reluctant to eat spinach because eating a lot of spinach caused kidney stones. This is only true if you eat more than 500 to 1,000 grams of spinach a day, and the amount of spinach that Koreans eat per meal through vegetables or soup is only 30 to 40 grams, so you don't have to worry too much.

In particular, spinach is not recommended for absent or gout patients. This is because, although rare, it can cause allergies to some sensitive people. And spinach has a high potassium content, which is beneficial for hypertensive patients, but it can be burdensome for kidney failure patients.

Today, we learned about the effects of spinach, which is beneficial to our health and tastes good if we eat it often because it has many good effects on our body. By now, spinach must be growing in the field, winning the winter, under the spring sun. Also, winter spinach is delicious. I hope you eat sweet winter spinach and get healthy.^^ 


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